Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Top Ten Decorating Mistakes - #3 Ignoring the Focal Point

Adding the Emphasis!
The focal point of any room is like the exclamation point on a well worded sentance.  Emphasis in interior design is simply enhancing or creating a focal point in the room. A successful focal point immediately draws the eye to a specific point in the design. It does not have to be dynamic in pattern or bold in color because size, color, line, texture, woodwork and ornamental detail can all be used to attract attention.

Below are some of the culprits that detract from a focal point and some of the natural remedies:

The culprits:

• Large furniture that may completely block a focal point

• Too much going somewhere else in the space that detracts from natural focal point

• Busy Décor - too many detractors

• Room Domination - any item in your room that screams for all the attention even though it shouldn't

• Conversation area facing another area of the room

• No defined focal point at all.

The remedy:

• Determine what your focal point is in the room first.  If there isn't a natural focal point, create one.
• A fireplace, a window with a view, a large painting, or a grouping of smaller paintings are all eye-catching, and each can serve as a focal point.

• Create a focal point using color.

• Every room should have a “wow” factor if you don’t have something in the room to highlight, create it.

• Once you have established what the focal point is, play it up.

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